Planning To Get Tooth Extraction In Nagpur?
Tooth extraction is the removal of a damaged or non functional tooth from your mouth, using forceps, from the socket surrounding the roots of the teeth. Receive the highest quality treatment – now at a special offer from Choudhary’s dental clinic.
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When Do You Need Tooth Extraction?
A tooth extraction is primarily performed by an oral surgeon. However, general dentists and periodontists also carry out tooth extraction procedures as part of their core skills as dental providers. Some benefits of tooth extraction are:
- Tooth extraction can prevent the spread of tooth decay and infection. The best way to keep the problem from spreading is to eliminate the problem entirely.
- Tooth extraction can relieve your pain and help you have a more functional smile.

A tooth extraction is a process to have a tooth removed, usually because of disease, trauma or crowding.
Interested in getting a Tooth Extraction ? Contact us to discuss how we can help you.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Tooth extraction means the removal of a tooth. Tooth extraction is performed by the dentist for various reasons like:
- Deep dental cavities
- Gum diseases
- Wisdom teeth pain or infection
- Severe tooth infection
- Injury to the tooth and/or its surrounding bone
- In some cases of dental braces, where the teeth are too crowded premolars may be removed to make space for the remaining teeth to be aligned in their correct position
- Milk teeth which do not fall off at the right age may require tooth removal
There are two types of tooth extractions that are generally performed. They are:-
- Simple extraction – These types of extractions are usually done in cases of teeth that are visible in the mouth. This procedure is usually done under local anesthesia at a dentist’s clinic and one can usually go straight to work after the extraction is done and the bleeding stops. The dentist removes the teeth using simple dental elevators and forceps.
- Surgical extraction – This procedure is usually performed for teeth that are not easily accessible in the mouth, for example, impacted wisdom teeth which may be partially or completely inside the gums. Usually done under Local anesthesia, complex cases may be done under general anesthesia. These extractions are usually done by opening the gums with a surgical knife and blade, drilling of bone using dental surgical burs, and then extraction of teeth using dental elevators and dental forceps.
Usually, simple extractions are performed by the dentist, but an oral surgeon may be called for surgical extractions.
The tooth extraction cost varies according to the area of residence of the patient, whether it is a simple or surgical extraction, the complexity of the case and whether a general dentist or an oral surgeon is performing the procedure. Generally, an oral surgeon will charge more for extraction than a general dentist.
The tooth extraction cost may vary according to the types of services.
The cost increases for complex cases and varies with the experience of the dentist who is performing the procedure.
For surgical extractions and impacted third molars, the cost may differ.
The cost varies from dentist to dentist and is more if an oral surgeon is performing the procedure.
- The first step is to take a dental x-ray of the tooth being extracted. The x-ray helps in determining the curvature and angle of the root of the tooth that needs to be extracted.
- Next, topical anesthesia is given, followed by local anesthesia in the region of the tooth being extracted.
- The patient may experience the pressure of the tooth being extracted and a cracking sound of the tooth or the bone after the application of local anesthesia but no pain. If the patient still experiences pain, he/she should notify the dentist immediately. The dentist will give an additional dose of local anesthesia to numb the area.
- If it is a simple extraction, the gums are separated from the tooth surface using a moon’s probe.
This is followed by the use of a dental elevator to elevate the tooth from its socket.
Tooth removal procedure is done using dental forceps.
A surgical gauze piece is then placed on the wound area and the patient is asked to bite on it to control the bleeding and help in the clotting process.
If it is a surgical extraction, the gums are cut using a surgical knife.
This is followed by the drilling of the bone using surgical dental burs.
Then the tooth is extracted using dental elevators and dental forceps. The tooth may be removed entirely or in pieces in cases of surgical extractions.
The gums are then stitched back using dental sutures and gauze is placed on the wound.
The sutures may be resorbable or non-resorbable. The resorbable sutures dissolve on their own, whereas the non-resorbable sutures require removal by the dentist 7 to 10 days after the extraction.
A dry socket may develop in a few cases after tooth extraction. This occurs when a blood clot is not formed, or the blood clot breaks down too early in the socket of the tooth extracted.
The underlying bone gets exposed to food, giving a very bad odour and taste. This can be very painful and the patient generally starts experiencing pain third day after tooth extraction.
Dry sockets are more common after surgical extractions of impacted teeth and in complex cases. Smokers and women taking birth control pills are also susceptible to dry sockets.
A medicated dressing is usually given by the dentist to relieve the pain and treat a dry socket.
- Sometimes a part of the tooth may be left behind after tooth extraction. The root is generally removed by the dentist to prevent infection. A small part of the root tip may be left behind in the jaw which usually is not very risky.
- The neighbouring teeth may accidentally be damaged, such as a fracture of the tooth or the filling inside the tooth.
- The jaw may accidentally fracture due to the pressure applied on the jaw during tooth extraction.
- The sinus may be accidentally exposed when extracting an upper back tooth. Usually, a small hole closes on its own, but if it doesn’t further surgeries are required to close the sinus.